Worldwide Distribution

DSP Pitching and playlist services

Radio Distribution and Servicing - both digital and physical

Music Supervision and Synch Pitches

Album and Song Release Strategy

Full Music and Lyric Videos

PR Campaigns to print, bloggers and internet sites

Digital Marketing Strategies and Implementation

PR and Media

Project Management


Dream it.

It all begins with a great idea. Convict Creative is home to writers who have had international success, written numerous number 1 hits, had millions of streams and performed shows all over the world.

Write it.

Your song will determine the strength of your project. We can write with you, put you in a room with other hit writers, or just offer input to help bring it all to life.

Record it.

With 3 great studios on 2 continents, Convict Creative can boast hundreds of successful projects, hit records and awards, so why not come and record with us?